Gay sex and ethnicity - Part 2
I find the sexual preference for certain races and how gay/bi/str8 men interact sexually across races or before their races/ethnic or mixed origins to be both fascinating and perplexing.
Having lived for many years in Japan - as both a straight married father and, at the same time, often moonlighting there and elsewhere in the world as a single gay male MUP (middle-aged urban professional), I have encountered all races and ethnicity of males (and all people) - socially and sexually.
I 've also experienced being an absolute racial minority - such as in Japan or Cambodia or Thailand - where whites make up far less than a tiny fraction of a percent of the general population. Of course, tourists are a bit different story. But was of course in the once mostly-white racial majority of the US -- growing up in the South -- Georgia, Tenn, KY.
I love men of all races (attracted to them is what I mean)- but it's on a case by case, personal level -that is the real test of the attraction. I can be categorical in defining my likes or preferences but it does not always bear out in actually meeting a specific person.
So why even talk about people (men) at racial entities? I don't have answer - just at least I've thought about it some and still think it's worth reflecting on - because it's kind of key to comprehending the human condition and your own part it shaping its continuing evolution.
Think of cetaceans - many people should know what they are but it's a word rarely used in dailyconversation and is probably unknown by many when used out of context. We don't ever say - the Chinese, long-nosed saltwater porpoise - we just call them either -whales or dolphins (one single group more specific but not as discriminating as the racial names we give ethnic groups - kind of like grouping all 'humans' into three big categories (African, Asian and European) or Easterners and Westerners -- what about the billions that are somewhere outside those too broad divisions.
You can sometimes hear people say (to their friends who know them very well) -- "Oh I met this guy who was really hot..."
But in our more formal, public discourse with strangers or just work colleagues, family members etc.
"Oh I met this Japanese guy who was ..." or "Oh I met this black dude who was like so..." Each of these utterances shows different levels of ethnist attitudes (I don't call it really racism because there isn't much evidence that the person speaking is a racist or even prejudiced or discriminatory (in a bad sense) - they are just discriminating or differentiating for the sake of the listener and what 'think' will communicate more effectively or clearly to the person that are talking to. Our social register determines somewhat what 'attitudes' we conceal or reveal. The problem with today's online and telecommunication media-based communication environment is that we often don't have a clue what social register to use in such a publicly open style. Sorry if I'm lecturing - you don't have to read this and probably won't even make it this far -- unless you are interested.
If we're talking about comparing physical attractiveness of one ethnic/racial group over another -- it's really a personal preference but so shaped by our own common social values that we really actually don't have much choice in the matter.
That being said, I've come to admire and be physically and pyscho-sexually stimulated not only by all kinds of men because of their ethnicity - not just their skin color or physical traits (features, endowments). Each ethnic group has behavioral (body language, facial expressions, fashion, the way the move and use their bodies/limbs) and rather unique (to that group) social responses in how they move, react, interact that are quite different and also just as appealing (not exactly in a sexual way - that's fetishism carried to an extreme).
It's like appreciating the hundreds of kinds of gourmet cheeses or great wines from all over the globe.. some people eat to them live or just enjoy, others live to enjoy them. I think you can savour the male 'essenses' in various forms - including across racial/ ethnic / blended human gene pools- or you can just gobble down dick like a horse (or pig) without carrying who's on the other end -- racially.
Myself, I find racially-ethnically mixed guys to be the sexiest -personal preference -- partly because I no longer have to bridge the racial gap (at least from my point-of-view) - I can see them as just really cute guys or gorgeous men in NO relation to any racial/physical ideal or category.
Having raised two biracial, bilingual and bicultural children - Japanese mother and me as their father - British and Irish white male with some Cherokee and bit of French trapper, I am well aware of the inter-racial mixtures of such movie (and other media/ sports/entertainment) stars as Keanu, Cain and A. Jolie (and other racial mixes such as Halle Berry or Tiger Woods, etc and actually there are many others. It's a growing world phenomenon and also interesting to see how these people can sometimes be either not identified with racial group (Angelina Jolie) or sometimes are (Halle Berry) or beyond any categorization (making up his own - Tiger Woods as Caublasian - I think I got that right).
I have said it before (here on JUB) and elsewhere - this is one of the most amazing benefits about living in a place like Hawaii; and there are many and a growing number of places where the ethnicities/races/cultures/subcultures can mix freely and also retain their cultural identity -- at the same time as being part of a humanity-respecting society of diversity (and cetacean-respecting environment too).
Hey.. I sound just like I'm a new-age religious missionary... what the hell... Oh well, I'll go on..
Unfortunately, racism exists! So-called enlightened societies have been taking conscious efforts to reduce its negative effects - I can't judge yet if it's been entirely successfully - the clash of civilizations (which is partly racial/ethnic/intercultural has just gone re-started (partly thanks to the GWB kind of mentality and mis-leadership.
But there are also equally threatening social evils (?) that haven't been clearly recognized as being problems - ethnism (prejudice or discrimination against culture groups or subgroups linked to racial or ethnic identity). It sort of what was talked about earlier about why some ethnic cultures view white Americans as the top of the heap - it's a form of 'ethnist' thinking that non-whites accept or even adopt without thinking ..
Raising the human consciousness is a never ending climb up the psycho-evolutionary ladder - - well, at least until cloning and robot intelligence achieve post-scientific levels (I call it x-sci-fi jidai (era 'Japanese term' that George Lucas loosely borrowed to name his Jedai knights and 'bushido'-like culture of the Force).
I'm sure I've lost a few people by now because the length of this post alone ... LOL... but I am just talking about the
inevitable evolution of human nature and human form and human sexuality .... In a few years (100 or 200 years from now) there won't be that many racially identifiable individuals anyway...
More will be pan-racial in origin and multi-ethnic, multi-cultural by then.. so how long shall we keep discussing this???
It's very likely too there won't be any more artificial distinctions between straight, gay or bisexual preferences. We won't have much to talk about then, will we?
Absolute and true paradise is as boring as hell.
Duh .. whatdafu** .... I' ll stop here.
Tags: ethnic men, gay ethnicity, gay sex, interracial gay, interracial gay sex, mixed race