
    I know .. I know.. it's not much -- [I'm not referring to my dick] but my small accomplishment. I am probably not a full-fledged flasher / exhibitionist  -- at least not yet. So those men who have jerked off for and  flashed strangers on the street have my admiration, but I cannot yet imitate. Although I have been experimenting with showing some cock using see-thru clothes and open zippers, I've never been able to expose a full limp or erect cock.
    I don't really count 'innocent exposure" in the locker room, or a the beach (nude or not) to be hard-core

    exhibitionist. I mean - -if nudity is expected and even accepted, it could not really be true exhibitionism.
    However, yesterday was a bit different for me and a first for me.

    After months of walking the dog in the early morning with a partly open zipper (or in warmer weather in see-thru shorts/pants), I have had my eyes -- targeting my flash.. so to speak..- for a guy who rides his bicycle on his way to work every morning on my dog-walk route through the cemetery nearby.
    Over a couple of times in the past months, I've 'surprised' him over a couple of times with me showing in some mesh shorts, then almost see-thru athletic pants, but yesterday, I had my zipper down enough to evidently attract his gaze.
    I've seen him take a glance quite a few times, but he's very good at appearing to (or actually) ignoring me.
    Yesterday, it seemed to me that I caught his gaze looking directly at my crotch.. I knew my efforts had finally succeeded. 

    I had seen him coming and happily this time.. he was completely alone and just crossing busy street right in the center of the cemetery -- so he was distracted enough to not be ready when I approached with the dog.
    I like taking my dog along -- not only because the dog needs and enjoys it, but it gives the 'voyeur' victim something to pretend to look at. They can short of glance ahead and down -- -pretending to look a the dog -- but all the while inspecting my crotch. So that is what I think happened yesterday morning. 

    I could see him at least 150 ft before he reached me--so I had time to adjust my crotch for optimal (NOT maximum) exposure. I don't want him to take a new route or to call the police or get totally screwed up..
    It would only appear to him that I had forgotten to properly shut zip my pants up -- it was NOT a blatant floppy or erect cock staring him in the face. Instead it was an rather innocent and seemingly accidental exposure of part of my flaccid penis.
    But -- maybe we'll get there if he keeps showing some interest (or at least a distant fascination). 

    The guy intrigues me because he wears exactly the same clothes every single day I have every seen him. It
    means that this is his 'uniform' or that he probably just wears them for such a short trip -- to bicycle to his work -- where he changes to his real work clothes -- a uniform. I imagine that he works at the local small airport, but I'm not quite the stalker that will follow him -- although I guess my targeting him so many times until I finally found a time to get more real exposure -- is something close to stalking. I am trying to entice him to look at my cock,  but not shock or disgust him.

    Has anybody been involved with semi-flashing like this? Maybe this is just one stage along toward something more daring and more exhibitionistic?

    The photo shows what the pants should have looked like to my semi-flash target.

    I was beginning to think I was the only person at this level of flashing -- not quite a newbie but not

    completely hanging out with a full hard-on for complete strangers. I guess for me -- it's the other guy's squelched feelings of attraction that really intrigue me. It turns me on to think that I am turning him on to his inner wishes - but again I could be totally wrong about my targeted guy. In your case, brettmarried (another user here), you seem to know positively that he is not only noticed but seemed to have a very strong interest in what he was seeing. For my guy, I can't really be sure.. he's rarely even turned his head back (actually there have only been a few times I've 
    managed to "tease" him.  
    Maybe the challenge of it is kind of fun too.
    I have also tried semi-see-through or mesh pants and shorts and have had a quick glance up and down reaction from him. But the incidents are spaced out weeks or even months apart.

    Many times the private roadway through the park-like cemetery that he uses (and where I walk my dog) has other people riding and/or walking by. Also this IS a neighborhood where people would and could find me if I were to flash strangers.

    I can't try the "oops, I forgot to zip up" tactic too often or he'll get wise.
    I've thought next of taking a piss just off the main lane partly behind some trees and to carefully time it so that he has the chance to come up on his bike and sort of catch me with my cock out and pissing -- with a full view of my cock. Doing it that way still boarders on 'accidental' flashing.  

    Hey, are there any more guys here who are semi-flashing like this? I realize some of you guys are much braver and far beyond this sort of level of flashing. But there may be more like me and brett.. any similar experiences?


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  •   One among many: naked vs clothed Originally uploaded by guys2ncmnm

    This article is a personal rumination about the pleasures and difficulties of trying to organize a live CMNM event. There are lots of problems in getting a thing like this organized - perhaps I've

    bitten more than I can chew -- not to be too funny about it. For one thing .. CMNM is about what it says it means = clothed males / naked males - it's just that that can mean a lot of different things too. It's not exactly the same as flashing a total stranger - although it could be that. While the guys involved may be strangers (or even friends/acquaintances), there is a usually mutually agreed upon enjoyment for the nude guy(s) as well as the clothed - which is not always true when flashing - the flashee gets an eyeful whether he likes it or not.

    For some, it's about dominance and subservience that matters.. so an element of hazing is desired -- commanding and obeying.. but I'm not really keen to get in those type of role-playing games (BDSM) with total strangers - whom I'll never meet again. So how this CMNM event that can be accomplished with guys who meet in a public place for the first time will depend on who participates and where it happens. So that's another reason why I couldn't write the details... they are put together yet. I'm only a visitor - staying 3 days/2 nights. We could meet the first night to plan what to do sometime the next day. Another reason for no details is security. Putting all the details about precise location and times

    and everything may get the word out better.. but it also opens it up as a target - there ARE people who in the world who have nothing better to do than badger or humiliate men who love men. So it's best to leave the details fuzzy on publicly visible boards - such as dickflash.com So far only a couple of other guys have indicated a desire to join..- actually only two guys on this site, and a couple from elsewhere... (on this the Guys Into CMNM blog and on other sites) but also.. no one has any given any real ideas about what/when/where or how such a CMNM meetup / hookup / party can be or should be. I don't live in London or really know it that well.. but I have been several times and can get around. If you do a bit of looking online, you'll find that the address is an accommodation There is several possibilities. Since I'm already booked for a short stay there. I was thinking that our CMNM event(s) could possibly center around that location. I've had plenty of opportunities to be naked (or see naked men) while staying in a hostel. One problem is this one is not male-only - although it depends on the room

    and how many guests are staying. Also, in some hostels, local residents are not allowed to stay or sometimes the guests are not allowed to have visitors. I don't think that's the case.. but I'm not exactly sure. I've heard that the shower rooms afford some chance to some 'accidental' exposure.


    We could do something so innocent as:

     1) meet in the in-house bar/restaurant for drinks or snack,  2) come visit me in my dorm room - and then get around to getting somebody naked - either one of our 'cmnm' group or maybe some of the other guys staying in the room (is that unethical?) -- maybe? But it could be a whole lot of fun.  3) having a party in the room and play strip poker (or an easier kind of game where the loser has to remove a piece clothing until some (or all are naked). 4) More clever would be for several of our 'cmnm' group staying in the same or nearby rooms and then pretending not to know each other.. .. so we can get some going like one guy jerking off in his bunk, and then another guy (our member joining in). It would get some of the other guys (not our group) horny and they would join in the fun... Maybe a little farfetched... but you never know until you try. Outside the hostel... it's very large and could be very crowded

    5) doing some naked dares and having buddies to watch out / bring your clothes to a rendezvous point, or take photos, etc. ... 6) going to a bar/club where nudity is either allowed or required 7) perhaps some one would be willing to host a small group in his apartment, office lounge after hours..etc... 8) Another idea is to have pre-selected roles for a type of simulation - visit to a doctor's for an exam. One guys in the patient, another two play the role of physician and or specialist, there could be a male nurse who gives sponge baths.  It's up to your imagination. Am I losing you here? There are other roles that come to mind.. but it takes a bit of energy, a passion for realism but fantasy, and a place where that could happen. I've written more than I had thought. So far I've not heard from anyone in Greece.. so it appears that London will be the first 'cmnm' event that would actually get off the ground.. and that is still not determined.  Let me know what you think or how you would see it working? If you can make any suggestions, that would be great.


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    Phlasher Flashing Specialist Post subject: Summer camp memories
    I was a counselor at sumer camp when Iwas 16 and 17. I used to walk around naked in front of the seven guys (10-13) in my cabin all the time in the morning and night. On hot nights I'd even lay on the bed stark naked and read. I could feel all the eyes on me and loved it.

I also loved showering with the guys. Some were shy and wore shorts, but many had no problems stripping naked and climbing in the open area showers. I also know for a fact that some of the guys were "playing" together, too, because i walked in on some a couple of times. I never tried to get involved because I didn't want to get fired. I just enjoyed flashing.

Any other similar experiences out there?

    Daaave I flash flesh.

 Location: Florida

    When I was in the 5th grade, my buddy and classmate asked me to join the Boy Scouts.

I remember how it began. My buddy told me he had to go back to the tent to change his clothes. He asked me if I wanted to go with him. At the time I didn't think this was strange. Now, I know better.

 My buddy was undressing really carefully (Slowly!), I thought. He undressed down to his underwear. He took his time finding his clothes, they were just in his backpack. And he was slow putting them on. 

I didn't really notice him watching me undress, but he was always there with me.

It became our regular thing to do, putting on a show while undressing. My buddy began stripping naked and taking his time rolling up his dirty clothes. He'd put away his dirty clothes before he'd get dressed. Always giving me a nice profile and bending over a lot.
I bet he was disappointed we never did anything more. I know I am disappointed now. But I think I was still too young and scared at the time. But we were so close, I did anything he'd ask me to do.

I think this time of my life and my buddy, gave me an obsession with stripping and underwear.



      Flash me now!

 Location: New York, NY
    Yeah. Camp and Little League Baseball is where I began to explore the whole curiosity of other dicks thing. I have lots of camp memories I can share, both as counselor and camper. 
My first sleep-away camp was a Christian religious camp. I was 12 or 13 at the time, and my parents thought it would be good to further my Christian education. We were all assigned to sleep in rooms with about 5 other boys around our age and 1 older counselor (ours was 17 years old). The barracks was single-sex and had a common bathroom in each wing. My counselor was a guy who had an incredible sex drive. He was always laying around in his boxers with his hand down his pants. 



    Why is it that religious camps attract the biggest perverts?

In any case, he didn't seem to pay the 6 of us campers any mind. When he had his boxers on and laying on the bed, you could almost always see his dick or balls flopping out. He was always talking to the other counselors about one girl's tits or another's pussy. And he would sleep nude every night, because "he was an adult, and that's how grown men slept." He seemed to have no problem being nude around us. He mostly just ignored us, in fact. Except right before bed, when the only interaction with us was the required prayer. We would all be in our tightly-whitey briefs and he would gather us up in a circle for a prayer, with him being nude. We would all bow our heads and pray for protection from "sins and temptation of the devil." I remember all of us boys more fascinated with his grown-up dick than anything else he was saying. My own prayers focused on God giving me a dick as big as this guy's. 
And then after lights out, I would watch him ignore those prayers against sin. He would have the craziest jerk-off sessions I can ever remember seeing, even to this day. He would wait like 5 minutes and then start jerking-off on top of his covers as if he was completely alone in the room. 
    After cumming, he would get out of bed, and come over to one of the campers beds and wipe the

    cum off his dick and chest on the spare bits of the bedsheets that hung over the edge of the campers bed. Presumably, he didn't want to sleep with his cum all over his sheets and was too lazy to walk down the hall to the bathroom to clean himself up. The guy was just a horned-up jerk, in reality. But, I watched him every night, completely taken in with his routine. And those nights he wiped his cum on the corner of my covers, I remember being really annoyed, but also interested in the distinctly funky smell it left.
In any case, every morning, he would wake up with a raging teenage hard-on. He made no attempt to cover it up either. He'd make sure all of us were up for morning prayer and breakfast (part of his job as counselor) and then parade on down to the showers, hard dick leading the way.

It was definitely a learning experience all-in, and taught me the joys of guys hanging out and not caring about the hang-ups of nudity. _________________
29, mwm, totally into voyerism and showing off.
    Phlasher Flashing Specialist

    WallStFlash wrote: "Why is it that religious camps attract the biggest perverts?"
I think it's ALL camps in general. You stuff a bunch of horny as hell teenage guys who had just gone through puberty and possessed with an overactive sex drive and things are going to happen.

I know several guys who say they ended up sucking or being sucked, etc., by other campers and the older counselors because they were just freaking horny! They weren't attracted to guys and still aren't.

One guy told me at his camp a counselor (17) used to line guys (12-13) up after lights out, including him, make them drop their pants and he would suck all of them to orgasm. He said not all of the guys would let him do it, but they would watch. Some even jacked off while watching.

My friend said he loved it then but would never let a guy touch him now. I know that's true, because I am bi and have tried a couple of times to talk him into letting me suck him when he was drunk. No go.

I have played with his dick and even sucked on it after he passed out a time or two though. 
    by prowler


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    Here is an  oddly erotic 'real' CMNM scene - the pic and situation are described the poster and commented upon by atitlan, founder of the Yahoo / Google groups:  YMNA, ymna2

    So glad the Painted Ons of Yesteryear were well received. Went over to Shorpy's to play again yesterday afternoon, but didn't find much in the way of nude males, aside from this one in the World War ll album. Only one, but what a gem. I love the expression on the young guy making the "eye
    contact".And some of the comments are hilarious. One guy says "Trust the marines to make you strip naked to take an eye exam!"

     I used to belong to a group that specialized in vinatge "gay" pics - not specifically beefcake, but gay images from everyday life, including swimming, army and even drag themes. Real vintage stuff, way before the fifties. Not sure how I lost track of that one. Does anyone know if there's still a yahoogroup around like that.

     Atitlan, did you have to sign up at www.zavarot.com to be able to view the pics you post at ymna@? Sometimes the nude photos don't seem to be available to casual visitors. I don't understand Russian, but I gather there's some sort of membership category. Is it easy to sign up?

    REPLY: It's a splendid picture, isn't it? I've  seen it a few times before but never in such a large size and high resolution. It's curious that the military examiners did require the recruits to strip naked  and stay that way - usually they allowed  them to keep on their shorts. I wonder  if the crossed legs of the guy who's
    staring might be his unconscious way of  saying "I can't compare"?!

    I also wonder if you're referring to the Gay Historical Photos group that got  deleted several times by Yahoo before  finding its home on Google? If so, it's the one I mention quite often:

    I couldn't sign up to zavarot even if I  wanted to - my lack of Russian wouldn't
    enable me to. It seems that the pics with a sexual theme are available only
    to members. However it also seems that  zavarot have decided that nudist pics
    are not sexual in nature and can be viewed by anyone.


    ---------- The above post was forwarded in a group message ----------
    From: Charles  Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:39 AM
    on the Yahoo Group [ymna2] 

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    Recent post by a member of DudesNude

    I am used to [going] backpacking and really enjoy hiking and camping too. Making a great fire and sleep under stars with the sound of the river is the kind of FUN I like but it's not a popular gay way of life. Guys like this kindof Brokeback Mountain trip only like a quick fantasy. To be able to carry a 20 kilos bag, to walk 8 hours a day, to forget comfort, eat dry noodles and soups, sweat and climb mountains --- to go to some stunning places, meet
    amazing people in far countryside [is wonderful but few gay men seem to do this]… I met some straight boys during my last travels who like that but am I the only gay hiker on the planet ? WHO'S REALLY IS ABLE TO DO THAT ? Am I alone

    Posted originally (with editing) by [sunshiniin]

    Hiking, camping, and all kinds of outdoor recreation (especially nude) make up my favorite kind of vacation (and leisure time), but finding people (gay men) who do these at the same level, intensity and frequency that you (or I do) is usually a localized process. Not everybody has the same amount of time, stamina, self-discipline, etc or even the same purpose for doing these kinds of activities: physical exercise, self-growth, meditation, socializing, naturalist (ecology), photography, camaraderie, sexual behavior like courting a partner or just getting sex, spiritual communing with nature and other people... the reasons are nearly endless - although I find it perfectly great and by no means at cross-purposes to do ONR (Outdoor Nature (or Naked / Nude - if you're like me) Recreation) for ALL of the above reasons - but some people don't see it that way.


    There are many groups for ONR all over the world but they are local -

    localized to the cultural context and also localized (by language and by who's committed to them or who's leading them and how they accept of seek out new members). Check out the area where you'll be going (or where you live) to try to find them. For example, there is a fairly large (and evidently growing) set of different hiking (many times nude hiking) in the Palm Springs area. Oahu (Hawaii) has the LikeHike group, and the list goes on. Often the nudist groups (FKK, gay men's groups, etc) can give you leads or help you find people and organized events in the local areas.

    It takes some research (on the Net or by asking here on DN or other sites, such a gayoutdoors.com) to find groups (or individuals) but there are 'outdoor' recreation (hiking, climbing, etc) group of people and also gay recreation groups almost everywhere that anybody does these activities. I'd be interested in helping to organize such ONR events or outdoors excursions, but again the arrangements have to be 'located' somewhere.. and we here on DN -- as is true for most any gay ( homophilic) web site come from all over the world. Still... it's nice to share the experiences about trying to find others who take outdoor recreation (with other like-minded men) as something both fun and seriously worthwhile and beneficial.

    Your best bet is to find partners and trips is to look at Gayoutdoors.com and see what kind of events/hiking expeditions are being organized. It's mainly oriented to North America but not only. Another idea would get Phil (the Dudesnude webmaster) to add new categories to the search and profiles. And he might also add a new forum categories for Recreation and Sports. (including Nudism and Outdoor Recreation). It might have the added merit of getting more paying contributors. You can search for existing ones or even start your own at other well-known and well-developed sites gay social networking sites. 

    I find I spend more time on Flickr or Tribe.net or Justusboys.com because their audiences are larger (potentially) and the efforts at communicating are not lost in a random pile of unrelated thread (like this message will be). MySpace, Gaywatch, Dlist and other sites just don't seem to engender good group communication for 'rounding' up men who share a passion for outdoor recreation (hiking, camping, climbing, snorkeling/diving, etc).



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